Nitrogen forms approximately 78% of the earth’s atmosphere- making it an abundant, common element on earth.

Nucleic Acid

Nitrogen is one of the components of the nucleic acid that forms the plant’s RNA and DNA and helps hold the genetic code in the plant’s nucleus. A Plant’s DNA is the genetic material that is significant in the transferring of certain traits and characteristics that aid in plant survival.

Nucleic Acids are vital biopolymers that encode, transfer and express genes. The large molecules were named after initially being identified within the nucleus of cells. (Nucleic Acids are also found in mitochondria, chloroplasts, bacteria, and viruses.) The two main nucleic acids are Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and Ribonucleic Acid (RNA).


Amino Acids


Nitrogen is an essential element in amino acids in plant structures. Amino acids are the building blocks of plant proteins, which are necessary for the growth of development of vital plant tissues and cells- i.e. the cell membranes and chlorophyll.

Functions of Amino Acids

  •  Increased production of chlorophyll
  • Providing a rich source of organic nitrogen
  • Stimulate the synthesis of vitamins
  • Impact on many enzymatic systems
  • Flowering stimulation
  • Improve fruit formation
  • Increase the amount of food, taste, size, and color of fruit
  • Increasing the quality of agricultural products
  • Increased resistance in plants



Nitrogen is an important component in aiding the features of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is an essential organelle to carbohydrate formation by photosynthesis, and the substance that gives plants their green color.

Chlorophyll is a compound known as Chelate and consists of central metal ions bonded to large organic molecules composed of Hydrogen, Carbon, and other elements. There are many different chloroplast structures, but plants only contain Chlorophyll A and B.



Nitrogen is essential in the process of photosynthesis in plants. Photosynthesis utilizes energy from light to generate more molecules containing Nitrogen, like the high-energy chemical structures, Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). The ATP allows plant cells to conserve and use the energy released during metabolism and drives all the necessary biomechanical reactions supporting internal energy transfers to facilitate cellular division throughout the plant’s lifecycle.

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